
去年11月,购得《企业社会责任管理模型》(Management Models for Corporate Social Responsibility,Jan Jonker 等编著,李伟阳 肖红军 郑若娟 译)一书,作采摘,颇有意思,聊作笔记。




把CSR落实在企业经营信条上(Business Proposition,简称BP),有如此四个领域的活动:

1.The BP and organising identity cover issues such as: core values, drivers,vision, branding, image and corporate identity. Depending on the chosen strategy, a specific identity and corresponding values are formulated;

CSR落实于 企业经营信条和企业角色认同所涵盖的共同议题包括:核心价值观、驱动力、愿景、品牌、形象和企业认同。企业的角色认同及相应价值观的具体形成,取决于企业所选择的战略。

2.The BP and organising systems cover issues such as internal and external communication, design of primary and supportive processes, implementation, marketing, training, competence development, etc.;

CSR落实于 企业经营信条和企业运营体系所涵盖的共同议题,包括:内外部的沟通、基础流程和支持流程的设计、执行、营销、培训和能力建设等

3.The BP and organising accountability cover issues such as auditing, reporting, accounting, monitoring performance and standards;

CSR落实于 企业经营信条和企业担责制度所涵盖的共同议题包括:审计、报告、会计、绩效监测和标准

4.The BP and organising transactivity cover issues such as stakeholder in-volvement, developing partnerships, procurement, organising dialogue and the supply chain.

CSR落实于 企业经营信条和企业的各方互动所涵盖的共同议题包括:利益相关方参与、建立伙伴关系、采购、推动对话和供应链。(在这方面,可口可乐做得不错,但不为人知)